August 19, 2020 1:45 pm

Why Our Clients Are Feeling Comfortable Coming to Us During Pandemic?

Maire Forkin Dress Designer Dublin

Shopping for Dresses During COVID 19 with Maire Forkin Designs

We see right now that people do not want to be queuing up in fashion shops and waiting to use the changing room. This is both stressful and potentially unsafe in today’s COVID 19 environment. We are offering our clients a very safe environment which provides them with both a sense of confidence and security during their shopping experience. When they come to us for an appointment, we can assure them that that they do not need to be concerned about queuing, or waiting to get into a dressing room. And there is ever only person scheduled to meet with us at that time!

In addition we are fully compliant with COVID 19 Healthy & Safety regulations set out for Fashion Shops.  And as such we are vigilant to ensure that this is strictly adhered to.  This of course, is a big change for us all during this stressful time. But it is absolutely essential. So far, we have seen nothing but the full support and cooperation from all our clients.

Our Designer, Maire Forkin works with clients in the show-room helping them to decide on the style, shape and color for their outfit.  Both Maire and the client wears masks and visers, and where accompanied by another person, he or she waits in the hallway and is included in the consultation at various points throughout the meeting, where for example, the client may requires a second opinion. In addition we have parking right outside our premises.

For further information speak with Maire on 086 1721563 or Contact Us


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