A Great Wedding Boom is Happening

We are experiencing a wedding boom in 2022 like never before. This is due primarily to the number of ceremonies that were cancelled or postponed since the beginning of Covid 19. This is now coming to fruition after two years. As we get into spring and later summer, wedding season will be in full swing and it is proving to be busier than ever.
An article for the Irish Times quotes wedding planner Michelle McDermott, who says that there are regularly 20,000 weddings in a year but that there could be as many as 35,000 weddings in 2022. Her predictions are based on the number of weddings postponed last year.
We are certainly experiencing the impact of this and are seeing growing numbers of enquiries for wedding designs this year. After the recent worldwide surge of the virus’s Omicron variant, Ireland now ranks first in the EU for adults (18+). These have received the booster vaccination as of 4 January 2022. Ireland is decidedly not going to let Covid interfere with important events such as weddings.
Many of the weddings scheduled for last year can now go ahead due to the government lifting some of its preventative restrictions. Though former restrictions limited weddings to 100 or fewer guests, a lift on this ban meant upcoming weddings are now able to be as inclusive as before the pandemic. Many wedding parties may double as celebrations of a return to normalcy. This all depends on how public health changes in the following months.
After reopening in June of 2020, Maire Forkin Designs found that customers felt comfortable coming to our studio as opposed to risking a trip to the high street. Consultations were held in a private room with a minimal amount of people. So clients could feel safe in the studio setting. Another factor of the pandemic is how quickly many people became accustomed to online shopping. This rarely ever produces the quality or the fit of a custom made outfit. As people were exposed to online shopping they often tired of buying clothing in this way. This is likely another reason why Maire’s designs continued to garner attention. Quality products never go out of trend.
Getting Your Wedding Outfit Designed
If you choose to have an outfit designed by Maire for your special event, you can look forward to complete customizability. We pride ourselves on exceptional design and fit. In keeping with the health recommendations of the pandemic, we meet customers individually on an appointment basis in our studio. We require masks while indoors and provide hand sanitiser and hand washing to assure the continued health of our clients.
Visit Maire at her studio at 30 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2. You can view our exclusive collection of designer dresses and coats. For more information on our Contemporary Collection or to Book A Consultation. For further information speak with Maire on 086 1721563 or Contact Us.